INC. |
Shreenath International
Consultants, Inc.
offers substantial savings over our competitors.
As the chart above shows, these
savings vary somewhat, based on the type of application.
Application migration, for example, involves more onsite presence
compared to commercial application development, such as SAP or
PeopleSoft enhancements, which can benefit more from lower cost
offshore development. |

The chart above
shows on site, off site (India) and client involvement by project
phase. You can see SHREENATH's strategy for making
the best use of both onsite and offsite resources, which result in
such substantial cost savings as shown in the first chart. |
Our Founder, Deval Shah, M.S.
Shreenath International Consultants, Inc. (SHREENATH)
was founded in 1997 by Deval Shah, M.S. Mr. Shah was born in India,
and formed powerful alliances with leading software developers in Mumbai
(formerly Bombay) prior to coming to the United States in 1994. As a
gifted student, Mr. Shah was one of 250 recipients of a full engineering
scholarship to Brigham Young University in the United States, with more
than 80,000 Indian applicants. This acceptance ratio is far narrower
than those admitted to Harvard or Oxford Universities, a testament to Mr.
Shah's keen competitive spirit.
Environmental Engineering
Upon graduation from Brigham Young
University with honors in Civil Engineering, Mr. Shah's first position was
with Los Angeles Department of Public Works, an environmental engineering
arm of the the local government. Very quickly, he saw many ways in
which the process could be streamlined for greater efficiency and cost
savings, so started his own consulting firm. Shreenath International
Consultants, Inc. was born. The Environmental
Engineering link at the top of each page will direct you to this line
of business if you are interested.
Construction Management
Next, he moved into the mainstream of his
Engineering degree, and took a position at the world famous Loma Linda
University Medical Center, as a project planner. The Construction
Management link at the top of each page will direct you to this line
of business if you are interested.
Information Technology
The main focus of SHREENATH,
however, for more than a decade, has been on Information Technology.
We have become an MBE and SBA certified firm with the City of Los Angeles,
the Port of Los Angeles, the Metropolitan Water District of Los Angeles,
the City of San Diego, and the Department of General Services in
Sacramento, California. We are active in the Central Contract
Registration, Department of Defense, and Logistics Information Services in
Home Court Advantage
SHREENATH is unique. Most I.T.
firms either have only local consultants, or all outsourced consultants
from India. SHREENATH, however, has local technical managers,
who interface with the client, and work on the project, as well as
outsourced highly skilled Indian programmers who do much of the work, thus
keeping the contract competitive. This hybrid approach we call the
"Home Court Advantage".
First to Respond
Our goal is to be "first to
respond" to Information Technology requests for proposals
(RFP). We can do this because we maintain a large and growing
network of professionals throughout the United States and India with many
technical disciplines. While most of our competitors call other
sources to obtain the professionals needed, we have a direct line to ours,
resulting in faster response to recruitment needs.
Keep It Lean
Finally, we "keep it lean".
Unlike large search firms that often engage smaller firms to locate
talent, we go direct, and cut out layers of overhead. We do this,
however, while paying the highest attention to quality. Our
consultants are constantly kept up to date in the latest technologies, and
we have engaged in 6 Sigma training and other industry leading quality
(c) 2014 SHREENATH International
Consultants, Inc.